N has turned 9 months old, officially began crawling the very same day (finally stopped sliming around!). He now has 3 teeth and 3 more poking through. He pulls up on anything/everything.
At his 9 month check up he weighed 18 lbs 8 ounces (25th percentile) was 28.5 inches long/tall (65th percentile). He says da-da and ba-ba, but has no purpose behind them yet. We're working on 'gimme five' and 'so-big' but he doesn't really get it yet, lol.
I officially stopped pumping at 9 months, so he's now getting formula and what I have frozen, eating baby food and anything we chop tiny. He LOVES food. He loves to play with his food, smash bananas, pound the high chair and watch the cheerios jump. I really don't know how people raise kids without dogs to clean up after them! :)
He has this little car that he loves to be pushed around in.