I won the blog hop giveaway over at chicks with cents for posting pictures of my stockpile :) that was a fun moment. $10 publix gift card!! Woop woop!
I am now interning at a middle school two days a week and it is wonderful! I love every moment of it and am scared to death every moment if that makes any sense. Unfortunately though, I am only working 24 hours at the office while trying to make sure I get everything done that I used to get done in a 40 hour week. I wish there was a way to do both. I have class every other Friday/Saturday and every Thursday night as well as meeting with my practicum supervisor on Friday during lunch. Ben and I are working with the youth at church on Wednesday nights where I also am trying to get in service hours and work with a special group of students that come on Wednesdays also. And finally, I take the NCE on October 17th (gulp)!!!! PLEASE pray for me that I will remember everything I've ever learned in the past 2 years for that exam, I think its the most important exam of my education thus far... either that or tied with comps from this summer.
Anyways... this would be the reason I'm MIA on life and may continue to be for another month or two or five. I am so excited though, I feel like God has surrounded me in my life and really has his hands in everything I'm involved in. I constantly pray that I am doing His will and feel that so far I'm on track. I hope this continues and God continues to lead me in a direction that will benefit Him.
My graduation date is August 7th, 2010 (if you want to come! :). So I'm just praying that God gets me alllll the way there! Obviously this is the closest I've been to that date, but it still seems like a lifetime away. What a blessing that day will be!
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