I almost didn't make it to the Rockettes last night. I started my trip an hour early, stopped and got gas, moved along quite well down the interstate until suddenly I came to a dead stop.. Yippee! 45 minutes until showtime.... So I quickly and cleverly got off the interstate and left everyone going home from Thanksgiving on the interstate... hah! So I happily sped along my new shortcut for maybe 3 minutes until I came to lovely blue flashing lights. The friendly police was directing ALL the traffic off the interstate onto my shortcut. Thanks. With a closed interstate and 45 billion (underestimate) people on my new 'shortcut', we didn't move too fast. I arrived at the show surprisingly only 12 minutes late, hurried, and sat down gasping for air and trying to lower my blood pressure. I heard 3 seconds of music and 'now the Rockettes!' before the lights came on and an announcer said, "Please remain in your seats we are having technical difficulties and will resume the show shortly."
WHAT?! Blood pressure again...
Anyways, things got moving along finally and the show was amazing! I could probably google some much better video of this but I'll let you pretend like you were sitting in my lap instead.
How cool!!! I want to see the Rockettes! Did Ben go?? :)