5 Question Friday! Valentine's Day Edition

1. What is the one thing your love does for you that you can't live without?
Um... everything? Okay... guiding me spiritually probably. I don't think I could live without his support. The taking the garbage out and mowing the lawn is very nice, but I bet I could figure out how to do both if I really needed to, but his constant support is amazing.

Um... everything? Okay... guiding me spiritually probably. I don't think I could live without his support. The taking the garbage out and mowing the lawn is very nice, but I bet I could figure out how to do both if I really needed to, but his constant support is amazing.

2. When did you know your love was "the one"?
I almost posted that story, but wow, I changed my mind. I tried REALLY hard to not get married. I kicked and screamed and gave him a lot of reasons to not marry me, but like I've mentioned before we changed our lives and God had a bigger plan. I'd say that I didn't actually admit to myself that he was the one until I had hit rock bottom and had to make one phone call asking for help.
I almost posted that story, but wow, I changed my mind. I tried REALLY hard to not get married. I kicked and screamed and gave him a lot of reasons to not marry me, but like I've mentioned before we changed our lives and God had a bigger plan. I'd say that I didn't actually admit to myself that he was the one until I had hit rock bottom and had to make one phone call asking for help.

3. Does your love have a special ringtone on your cell?
Of course... granted its not a custom ring tone, but his is different so I know its him and am more apt to answer it. Sorry to the rest of you who often wonder why I never answer the phone.
4. What are you attracted to most in your special someone?
That he is a man of God. The fact that he truly believes and speaks with God make me love him more and more every day. Physically, I love his height. I am 5'6, but I can wear heels every day and still not be taller than him... and since he is 6'4, it is not likely that I'll outweigh him either. Woo!
5. Did you know when/where he/she was going to pop the big question?
Yes.... I think I almost posted this story too... it was totally planned and I had been waiting and waiting for my ring to come in.... since I was the one who picked it out after all. I had an awful day at work and was on the phone with him and he asked, "Is there anything I can do to make this day better?" And I said, "(sniffle)...my ring..." hah! So... that was that....

Happy Valentine's & Mandy's Birthday Weekend!!!

I love all the pictures of you and your hubby! You can definately tell that you both love each other very much!