My friend Jeris sent me this fabulous 'Honest Scrap' award/chain-blog/thing. THANKS!!!!! So I've been working on it for a
1. Must thank the person who gave you the award and list their blog and link it.
2. Share "10 Honest things" about yourself.
10 Honest Things:
1. I have never a single time in my entire life seen a 3-D image in those 3-D posters that were so cool in the 90s.
In fact, when I was about 10 or so, my Aunt Barb sent me a whole calendar of these posters (talk about torture). So for one entire year I had different 3-D posters on my wall and I tried and tried....crossed my eyes, uncrossed my eyes, stared until my eyes watered, blinked a million times.... tried everything to try and see the image. But nope.... nothin'. The most irritating is inviting someone over and they'd be all like,"Ooh, look at those dolphins in that calendar! That is so cool." And I'm all like, "Whatever, you just made that up, there aren't dolphins in there..... psshh."

I apologize if there is something obscene in this 3-D image. See reference above.
2. I love salt-water taffy. It reminds me of going to the Jersey shore when I was a kid w/ my bff Kim. I love it and I don't encounter it very often.

3. I prefer to know the ending to a movie BEFORE I watch it.
(Ben has a horrible time with this) I am NOT a fan of horror, scary, or just plain mean/uncomfortable movies, so I want to be sure I know what I'm getting myself into. The turning point of this was when Ben and I were dating and he 'romantically' planned a movie date for us to watch 'Hurricane'. I then cried for HOURS after this movie was over and thought it was the worst movie I'd ever seen. Ben didn't understand all the tears and blubbering, he said he thought it ended well: the guy got out of prison..... my point: he was in prison his ENTIRE life and got out when he was like 70. So sad! Sorry.... rambling.... hope you weren't going to watch this one soon.
4. Because of #3 above, I can watch Elf 7500 times in one month. A few others that are always on my DVR: Sex and the City, Remember the Titans, 27 Dresses.
5. This one is very hard to admit.... I think I'm too old for roller-coasters. (gasp!....*tears*) The last time I went to an amusement park was with my fabulous cousin Annie..... I almost threw up on a child. It was a very, very sad moment/hours. I used to LOVE rollercoasters. Is there a pill you can take for this? Dramamine maybe?
6. I have a huge pet peeve. You know when people write their own vows (mostly in movies) and they say things like, "You are the love of my life, you are amazing, you are the wind beneath my wings....." well they totally miss the VOW part. While that is all nice and good, a vow, according to Wikipedia is: a promise or oath. So I interpret that as what you are going to do. For instance, I promise to be faithful, kind, loving, etc. until death do us part. That is a promise. (PS - the faithful part is my favorite part of Ben and I's vows. Not only do we mean we will forever be faithful as in not to cheat, but also to be full of faith, we vow to have faith in God forever for each other as well.)
7. Honestly....I like the show Big Love. This show is awful I tell you. Awful. However, it just sucks me in. I think because I like Ginnifer Goodwin so much. Isn't she fun? I also am slightly fascinated by people who have multitudes of kids. Ben and I don't get HBO though, so I may not get to see the new season.

8. I think I could probably gain 10lbs today if I didn't try really hard not to. I'm really trying the motto "Eating to live, not living to eat." I love food. Love it! :)
9. I also love all things cactus (aka - Succulent Plants). I have a black thumb. So these plants can stand up to my hardest attempts to kill them. (I really don't want things to die, I have a very hard time throwing away a plant that isn't completely dead, it almost feels like I'm giving up on it.) I was once told that 'plants really do want to live' but sometimes I feel like once they get into my possession they don't really want to live any longer. Succulents though do well in my care. On my kitchen counter right now are the following:
Jade Plant (also known as a money tree)
Cow Tongue (do not google this one w/o PLANT after it)
Some sort of Hen and Chicks

All given to me as gifts - so they are that much more fun!
10. I am blessed daily by God's love and grace. His many blessings are always amazing and I'm so thankful to be His child. I am so thankful he sticks with me every single day and continues to mold me into the person, wife, counselor he wants me to be. It is amazing to be a part of and I've really never been happier in my life. I love the marriage, home and church family God has provided me with and I pray that I do his will daily.
Now, here are the seven people to whom I pass this lovely activity, in no particular order:(Ben has a horrible time with this) I am NOT a fan of horror, scary, or just plain mean/uncomfortable movies, so I want to be sure I know what I'm getting myself into. The turning point of this was when Ben and I were dating and he 'romantically' planned a movie date for us to watch 'Hurricane'. I then cried for HOURS after this movie was over and thought it was the worst movie I'd ever seen. Ben didn't understand all the tears and blubbering, he said he thought it ended well: the guy got out of prison..... my point: he was in prison his ENTIRE life and got out when he was like 70. So sad! Sorry.... rambling.... hope you weren't going to watch this one soon.
4. Because of #3 above, I can watch Elf 7500 times in one month. A few others that are always on my DVR: Sex and the City, Remember the Titans, 27 Dresses.
5. This one is very hard to admit.... I think I'm too old for roller-coasters. (gasp!....*tears*) The last time I went to an amusement park was with my fabulous cousin Annie..... I almost threw up on a child. It was a very, very sad moment/hours. I used to LOVE rollercoasters. Is there a pill you can take for this? Dramamine maybe?
6. I have a huge pet peeve. You know when people write their own vows (mostly in movies) and they say things like, "You are the love of my life, you are amazing, you are the wind beneath my wings....." well they totally miss the VOW part. While that is all nice and good, a vow, according to Wikipedia is: a promise or oath. So I interpret that as what you are going to do. For instance, I promise to be faithful, kind, loving, etc. until death do us part. That is a promise. (PS - the faithful part is my favorite part of Ben and I's vows. Not only do we mean we will forever be faithful as in not to cheat, but also to be full of faith, we vow to have faith in God forever for each other as well.)
7. Honestly....I like the show Big Love. This show is awful I tell you. Awful. However, it just sucks me in. I think because I like Ginnifer Goodwin so much. Isn't she fun? I also am slightly fascinated by people who have multitudes of kids. Ben and I don't get HBO though, so I may not get to see the new season.

8. I think I could probably gain 10lbs today if I didn't try really hard not to. I'm really trying the motto "Eating to live, not living to eat." I love food. Love it! :)
9. I also love all things cactus (aka - Succulent Plants). I have a black thumb. So these plants can stand up to my hardest attempts to kill them. (I really don't want things to die, I have a very hard time throwing away a plant that isn't completely dead, it almost feels like I'm giving up on it.) I was once told that 'plants really do want to live' but sometimes I feel like once they get into my possession they don't really want to live any longer. Succulents though do well in my care. On my kitchen counter right now are the following:
Jade Plant (also known as a money tree)
Cow Tongue (do not google this one w/o PLANT after it)
Some sort of Hen and Chicks
All given to me as gifts - so they are that much more fun!
10. I am blessed daily by God's love and grace. His many blessings are always amazing and I'm so thankful to be His child. I am so thankful he sticks with me every single day and continues to mold me into the person, wife, counselor he wants me to be. It is amazing to be a part of and I've really never been happier in my life. I love the marriage, home and church family God has provided me with and I pray that I do his will daily.
1. Ivy - encouraged me to start this blog and introduces me to very fun things in the blog world.
2. Annie - is the hardest working blogger I know.
3. Emily - because I hope one day she will get more followers than just me! :)
4. Ellen - I love her blog and how she and Nick are raising money for sweet Isabelle. Glad she shared their blog with me!
5. Haley - is new to the blogging world and cracks me up when I get to work with her, so she deserves an award. :)
6. Cassie - I love reading her blogs even if they are a few months behind real time.
7. Mandy - is catching back up in blogging and has been doing quite well since her re-commitment to blogging just a few weeks ago. :)
Now have fun! :)
so it is totally okay if i wait to do this until March, right?