I'm not responsible for what I blog after 3 hours of sleep:
'Twas the night before my exam, when all through the house
Two creatures were stirring, probably b/c of a mouse;
The dogs had bitten each other, had blood in their hair,
In hopes that one of them would kill the other right there;
The child went home with Nana, and then straight to bed,
While visions of death danced in the dogs heads;
And Ben in his north face, and I in my cap,
stumbled upon this scene and thought, oh snap!
When out in the kitchen there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the garage to see what was the matter.
Away to the livingroom I flew like a flash,
saw blood all over everything and knew there was a gash.
Ben said, don't worry, I'll handle this now.
You have an exam tomorrow, close your eyes if you know how,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature cell phone, and a song bringing cheer,
With eyes so tired and wondering what the fliss,
I knew in a moment it must be the brother Chris.
More strange were his sentences as they rambled and came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and told me his name;
"I've been in an accident, I have stitches times seven,
Come to the hospital I think I just saw Blitzen!
To the top of the bed, I sat straight up and tall,
"What the heck are you talking about, goodness to all?!"
As whimpers and moans reminded me my poor Logan was hurt,
Could it be 4am and Chris has blood on his shirt?!
So up to the hospital the family they flew,
With the head full of worry, and stress filled them too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard the alarm,
With dread and panic, the exam would do much harm.
As I fumbled to get out of bed, and was turning around,
Down the road then the interstate, I went with a bound.
I nearly passed out, from my head to my feet,
And my clothes were all tarnished, I wish I could cheat!
A bundle of worries I had on my back,
I looked like a peddler that had taken a whack.
My eyes -- how they burned! my hair, how scary!
My cheeks were like roses, but yet still so wary!
3 hours of sleep, and wondering how,
I was about to take an exam, it starts right now.....